I lager Figurspel STORMCAST ETERNALS: STORMSTRIKE PALLADORS 96-67 Pris 495,00 kr Stormstrike Palladors serve as the premier heavy cavalry of the Warrior Chamber, and excel both at landing thunderous charges and striking into a protracted melee with beak and blade. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel STORMCAST ETERNALS: TORNUS THE REDEEMED 96-69 Pris 379,00 kr Tornus was once a mighty champion of Chaos dedicated to the Plague God Nurgle, but his death at the hands of the Celestant Prime sent his soul sailing back to Sigmar. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel STORMCAST ETERNALS: RECLUSIANS 96-66 Pris 465,00 kr The Reclusians are the warriors of Ruination Chambers, their lightning-scoured souls remarkably resistant to Chaos influence and other malign magics. They are excellent warriors on par with the elite heroes of other factions. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel STORMCAST ETERNALS: LORD-TERMINOS 96-65 Pris 325,00 kr Though the gigantic axe carried by the Lord-Terminos reaps a bloody toll against his enemies, he has a second purpose: to end the lives of those Stormcast Eternals whose final threads have irreversibly frayed. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel STORMCAST ETERNALS: LORD-CELESTANT 96-68 Pris 339,00 kr The Lords-Celestant are consummate war leaders, displaying keen strategic minds and razor-sharp combat skills that lead the Warrior Chambers to victory time and again. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel STORMCAST ETERNALS: STORMREACH PORTAL 96-70 Pris 619,00 kr Stormreach Portals are the first faction terrain piece for the Stormcast Eternals, miniaturised versions of the crackling Star Bridges that hurl Sigmar’s warriors into battle from Azyr. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel STORMCAST ETERNALS: IRIDAN THE WITNESS 96-71 Pris 879,00 kr To end the life of another Stormcast Eternal is an unthinkable act, but there must always be a first. Iridan was the soul chosen by Morrda for the unenviable task of ushering their comrades to oblivion once the curse of Reforging had taken its toll. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel STORMCAST ETERNALS: LORD RELICTOR 96-64 Pris 325,00 kr As a high priest of Sigmar and a powerful hero, the Lord-Relictor is an invaluable lynchpin who bolsters flagging allies even as he blasts rampaging enemies with the fulminating energies of Azyr. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel WARSCROLL CARDS: STORMCAST ETERNALS (4TH EDITION) 96-05#1 Pris 255,00 kr No army is complete without an accompanying set of warscroll cards. This set of 66 quick reference cards includes every warscroll found within Battletome: Stormcast Eternals as well as those needed for the Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: RATLING WARPBLASTER 90-54 Pris 415,00 kr When your enemy has nigh-immortal lightning-blooded demigods on their side, you need to bring the big guns, and the Clans Skryre have just the tools for the job. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel BATTLETOME: STORMCAST ETERNALS (4TH EDITION) 96-01#1 Pris 439,00 kr Sigmar’s shining champions are back on their feet and ready to repulse the teeming Skaven hordes with freshly updated rules, new miniatures, and more. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: WARPLOCK JEZZAILS 90-53 Pris 379,00 kr SKAVEN: WARPLOCK JEZZAILS Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: KRITTOK FOULBLADE 90-49 Pris 315,00 kr SKAVEN: KRITTOK FOULBLADE Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: WARLOCK GALVANEER 90-51 Pris 269,00 kr SKAVEN: WARLOCK GALVANEER Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: MASTER MOULDER 90-40 Pris 265,00 kr SKAVEN: MASTER MOULDER Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: WARPSPARK WEAPON BATTERY 90-45 Pris 379,00 kr SKAVEN: WARPSPARK WEAPON BATTERY Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: ACOLYTE GLOBADIERS 90-47 Pris 415,00 kr SKAVEN: ACOLYTE GLOBADIERS Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: DOOM-FLAYERS 90-41 Pris 449,00 kr SKAVEN: DOOM-FLAYERS Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: WARP-GRINDER 90-46 Pris 339,00 kr SKAVEN: WARP-GRINDER Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: ARCH-WARLOCK 90-48 Pris 295,00 kr SKAVEN: ARCH-WARLOCK Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel BATTLETOME: SKAVEN (4TH EDITION) 90-24#1 Pris 439,00 kr BATTLETOME: SKAVEN (4TH EDITION) Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: VIZZIK SKOUR PROPHET HORNED RAT 90-20 Pris 1 179,00 kr SKAVEN: VIZZIK SKOUR PROPHET HORNED RAT Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SKAVEN: STORMVERMIN 90-07#1 Pris 415,00 kr SKAVEN: STORMVERMIN Lägg till i varukorg