Förväntat släppdatum Lördag, 18 Januari 2025
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Hobgrot companies rove across the Mortal Realms in search of plunder, led by the cruelest and most vicious of their kind, odious creatures known as Slittabosses. They will ply their trade with anyone, but find a certain kinship with the equally deceitful Kruleboyz.
1-4 arbetsdagar
Fri frakt över 800 kr.
30 dagars öppet köp
Hobgrot companies rove across the Mortal Realms in search of plunder, led by the cruelest and most vicious of their kind, odious creatures known as Slittabosses. They will ply their trade with anyone, but find a certain kinship with the equally deceitful Kruleboyz. They take great pleasure in swindling these conniving orruks, and happily wear gory trophies of their triumphs in battle. This plastic kit has a choice of two heads – one helmed and one bare.