NYHET Preorder I lager Figurspel GLOOMSPITE GITZ: SNARLPACK CAVALRY 89-88 Pris 449,00 kr Giant Snalrfangs are so big that they can be ridden into battle by two grots armed with skewas m infused with the power of Hysh. As long as the riders can convince these ornery beasts they are in charge, they can continue to tear through enemy ranks with reckless abandon. This plastic kit makes three Snarlfang Cavalry with interchangeable heads. Lägg till i varukorg
NYHET Preorder I lager Figurspel GLOOMSPITE GITZ: SUNSTEALA WHEELAS 89-89 Pris 689,00 kr Built from lightweight wicker frames and equipped with gruesome curved slicers, Sunsteala Wheelas are a rapid method of conveyance for the Gitmob grots. This plastic kit builds two Sunsteala Wheelas that can be customised with all manner of grots and gubbins. Lägg till i varukorg
NYHET Preorder I lager Figurspel BATTLETOME: GLOOMSPITE GITZ (4TH EDITION) 89-63#1 Pris 439,00 kr Wherever the Bad Moon careens around the Mortal Realms, it is followed by the Gloomspite Gitz, fevered, cunning and craven little creatures who wreak havoc upon all in their path. With Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz these mad-capped mildewed maniacs are joined by the Gitmobs, wolf-riding grots who have a bone to pick with the radiant Glareface Frazzlegit. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel DAUGHTERS OF KHAINE: MALENETH WITCHBLADE 85-64 Pris 325,00 kr Gotrek’s infamous associate Maleneth Witchblade has accompanied our truculent hero across the Mortal Realms in several stories. Now she’s breaking out on her own and joining him on the tabletop with a new plastic miniature, and starring in new novel Shade of Khaine by Evan Dicken. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SPEARHEAD: SONS OF BEHEMAT 70-931 Pris 1 179,00 kr If you want to stomp across the Mortal Realms, then this box is an ideal place to start a new army or expand your existing Sons of Behemat force, and will save you money over buying the kits individually. It includes a balanced selection of units, meaning you can bring a destructive Sons of Behemat army to the tabletop with just these miniatures. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel GLOOMSPITE GITZ: GITMOB ARMY SET 89-93 Pris 1 729,00 kr Not every grot lives in gloom, and some have been forced to adapt to life under the searing tyranny of the Glareface Frazzlegit. The Gitmob have even turned that blinding light into a way to power magical metal weapons, chasing the sun across the realms and causing chaos in its wake. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel WARSCROLL CARDS: ORRUK WARCLANS (4TH EDITION) 89-04#1 Pris 255,00 kr Your collection is not complete without a set of warscroll cards. This set of 43 quick reference cards has every warscroll found within Battletome: Orruk Warclans, as well as their faction terrain endless spells, and the new Ironjawz Bigmob Spearhead warscrolls. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SPEARHEAD: ORRUK WARCLAN IRONJAWZ BIGMOB 70-893 Pris 1 085,00 kr The Ironjawz are ready to barge into Spearhead under the command of a hulking Megaboss. With their durable pig-iron armour and simple but effective weapons, the Ironawz Bigmob sweeps foes aside with unstoppable momentum. Accompanying the Megaboss in their quest to krump are three Brute Ragerz, five Brutes, and 10 Ardboyz. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel ORRUK WARCLANS: HOBGROT SLITTABOSS 89-95 Pris 269,00 kr Hobgrot companies rove across the Mortal Realms in search of plunder, led by the cruelest and most vicious of their kind, odious creatures known as Slittabosses. They will ply their trade with anyone, but find a certain kinship with the equally deceitful Kruleboyz. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel ORRUK WARCLANS: MANIFESTATIONS 89-96 Pris 419,00 kr The power of the Waaagh! is not limited to turning orruks into unstoppable combat monsters – those gifted few who can channel this roiling energy can call upon catastrophic spells to ravage their enemies, and some can even turn this magic into corporeal manifestations. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel ORRUK WARCLANS: BOSSROKK TOWER 89-97 Pris 469,00 kr Primarily invested in the toppling and razing of structures and civilization, the Orruk Warclans are still aware of the power that a good edifice can provide. To wit, there’s the Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem. Lägg till i varukorg
I lager Figurspel SLAVES TO DARKNESS: CHAOS SORCERER LORD 83-100 Pris 295,00 kr The forces of Chaos are full of those that have mastered the use of dark magic. Those warlocks and sorcerers who tap into the powers daemonic are sometimes granted the gift of foresight, manipulating events and rising through the ranks to become all-powerful Chaos Sorcerer Lords. This new miniature has options for both head and staff toppers. Lägg till i varukorg